I can’t remember when I was first introduced to Hygge. I don’t how I discovered it or who first told me about it. All I know is that my life hasn’t been the same since.
I don’t mean as life-changing as, say moving abroad, getting married or meeting a member of Steps (ordered in least to most life-changing). It’s all the little things and the slight changes that have had a HUGE impact on my life. Ultimately, I’m a lot happier.
Now what I’m NOT saying is that by reading this post you will never feel sad again. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. I absolutely still have breakdowns in the middle of ASDA because I can’t find the cottage cheese, (no? Just me?) However, because I’m more aware of Hygge, (pronounced “Huh-guh”) I now take more time trying to create it and prioritise having snippets of it throughout the day.
I know what you’re probably thinking… “Laura, babe, that’s great and all but… WHAT THE FRIG IS HYGGE?? Well it’s so frigging great that it actually doesn't have an exact translation from Danish to English.
‘The Little Book of Hygge’ by Meik Wiking explains that:
“Hygge has been called everything from “the art of creating intimacy,” “coziness of the soul,” and “the absence of annoyance,” to “taking pleasure from soothing things,” “cozy togetherness,” and my favorite, “cocoa by candlelight.” Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience. A feeling of home. A feeling that we are safe.”
I mean, don’t you feel 10 times calmer just by reading that?
I could ramble on about Hygge for hours, DAYS even!! But I thought the best way to share it with you is to list my top 5 ways to embrace the wonderful Danish art of Hygge.
So here we go…
1. It’s All About the Lighting
Hygge is all about creating a warm and cosy atmosphere, so switch off your main light and whack on some lamps. Soft lighting purleeease.
Candles candle candles. People in Denmark burn an average of 13 pounds of candle wax each year! And hey, I can absolutely see why. For me, there is nothing more cosy and calming than candlelight. In my flat, no matter where you turn there will be a candle in sight and I’d have it no other way.
Fairy lights are also a winner. Lay them across a sideboard or window sill, or wrap them around a picture or mirror and they are a perfect way to create that cosy, ‘warm and fuzzy’ feel.
2. All the Yummies
I mean, did you really think I’d have a post where food and drink wasn’t involved? Food and drink are SO important in Hygge, and that why it’s my fave! But the key is in the simplicity. Hygge meals are simple, comforting and filling. Hygge treats are indulgent and Hygge drinks are warm and plentiful. I swear I go through gallons of tea on a daily basis. If you ever see me at home without a cup of tea (or at least one that I have forgotten about and has gone cold) then there’s something seriously wrong and SEND HELP!!
3. Getting Comfy
You know those pair of joggers that you wouldn't dream of leaving the house in, but the minute you walk through that door, BAM! They’re on? Well, they are probably the most Hygge item of clothing that you own. They actually have a name too, which I think is just wonderful. They are your “Hyggebukser”. All you need is your Hyggebukser, a cosy knit jumper and some warm fluffy socks and you’re dressed for a Hygge dream.
- While doing this post I discovered that I have no idea how the HELL you iron a bed sheet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
But being comfy isn’t just about what you’re wearing, oh no, it’s so much more than that. Create yourself a cosy little nook, full of cushions and throws. Somewhere where you sit down for 5 mins and find yourself still there after an hour (I didn’t say this post would help with procrastination - we’re getting cosy here people!)
4. Bring the Outside In
I think I can safely say that I love plants (and animals) more than people. I am absolutely a crazy plant lady and I embrace it! I love nature, I love trees, I love greenery. Stick me in a wood and I’ll be happiest girl alive.
Greenery is probably the one thing I miss most about living in Yorkshire. Don’t get me wrong, there are some beautiful green spot in London, but somehow it’s just not the same. To combat this I have decided to bring the outside in. Every week I try to sneak home a new plant hoping that my flatmates won’t notice (they do) and slowly but surely transform it into my own little jungle.
Having a couple of plants around is a great way to feel connected to the outside world, especially when you’re snuggled on the sofa, wrapped up in blanket. How. Very. Hygge.
5. Unplug
I’m naturally quite good at this. I’m forever leaving my phone in a bag/coat pocket/under the sofa and forgetting about it for a couple of hours. Then when I come back to it I have about 11 missed calls to check that I’m alive (sorry, I will get better).
One of the most important parts of Hygge is being present, in the moment and embracing simplicity. And that’s what’s so great about Hygge! You don’t have to try really hard and put a lot of effort in, you don’t have to do anything special. Just switch off and enjoy.
I always find that I have the most fun when my eyes aren’t fixed to a screen. When friends come round and we play board games, or when I’m sat up chatting until 4 in the morning or even when I’m by myself with a mug of tea reading a trashy magazine.
I love technology and not for a second am I saying we should have a huge cut back or stop using it all together. It’s just about finding that couple of minutes in your day to be gadget-free.
One of the things that I love most about Hygge is that it’s personal. There’s no right or wrong, it’s just what feels right for you. Are you feeling peaceful, content and cosy? Then you’ve got some great Hygge going on there my friend. The Danes are the happiest people in the world, (it’s true! Google it!) and I absolutely believe that it is down to Hygge.
It may not be for everyone, but it's certainly brought me joy and I hope that it can for you too. Who knows? You could be a Hygge wizard already and not even know it!
Thank you so much for reading this post. It's something a bit different from the others, (not as many calories) but it's a topic I love just as much. I would love to know your thoughts and how you bring Hygge into your everyday life.